Sep 12, 2008

Summit Shout Out on What an Experience!

Thank you Dave for the terrific write up of the upcoming Summit on your blog.

Every year, the conference picks a unique theme that all of the sessions touch on in some way or another. For folks working with creative technology... this is the year to shine.

We are all looking forward to your keynote! See you there.

Sep 9, 2008

An Oh-so-cool Fractal Table

As blogged on MoCo Loco,

The Fractal Table is a table developed by Platform Wertel Oberfell and Matthias Bär for Materialise.MGX. It's based on fractal growth patterns - their studies on these patterns show treelike stems growing into smaller branches and getting increasingly dense at the top. Translating this fractal growth into furniture can only be done by way of rapid prototyping.